Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Assignments Due March 1

Class Notes for the first five weeks of the third quarter which include:
  • Mock test MC
  • Response to Senior piece on High School
  • Critically reading worksheet -Obama
  • Bentham MC with rationales
  • Sedaris questions on rhetoric 1-5
  • Ellison MC
  • Buckley question #2
  • Hogan MC

Journals for the first five weeks of the third quarter
Synthesis timed writing on Space Exploration
Documentary Analysis

Timed writing Definition done in class on 1/28
Timed writing-Narration done in class on 2/4
Timed writing-Cause and Effect done in class on 2/11
Timed writing-Argument done in class over February break
(4) Multiple Choice Selections from February break
Timed writing-Description done in class on 2/27

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay


In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell cites a statistic which credits most violent crime in America to “males between eighteen and twenty-four”.  Write a 300-400 word cause and effect essay which discusses either the possible causes of this trend, the possible effects of this trend, or both. Why might this happen? What is the result of all this violence by American young men? Is there something about American in particular that causes this?

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Narrative Essay


Write a humorous narrative essay, mimicking the Sedaris piece we read yesterday that describes a time when you had an encounter with an authority figure.

Be sure to consider the following:






Friday, February 01, 2013

Definition Essay

Timed Writing  Pattern of Development: Definition


Write a timed essay which primarily uses the definition as a pattern of development . Definitions can be either stipulative, where you define a word a certain way to support a larger argument or purpose,

or extended, where the purpose is exploring the complexity of a thing, quality, or idea and then qualifying or limiting the range of that definition.

Stipulative example

One could offer an assertion: Captial punishment is an effective deterrent to crime, then define one of the important terms (effective, deterrent, or crime).

Extended example

One could start with an abstract word like loyalty or faith and then proceed to explore their personal edges and boundaries of that idea.

3rd Quarter Syllabus

3rd Quarter Syllabus

Assignment 1     Class Notes First Five Weeks 3/1                             Classwork/Homework

Assignment 2     Class Notes Second Five Weeks 3/29                      Classwork/Homework

Assignment 3     Reading Journal First Five Weeks 3/1                      Classwork/Homework

Assignment 4     Reading Journal Second Five Weeks 3/29              Classwork/Homework

Assignment 5     3 revisions of patterns of development  3/29      Classwork/Homework

Assignment 6     Synthesis Essay 3/1                                                         Essays/Projects

Assignment 7     Essay Response to Documentary 3/1                           Essays/Projects

Assignment 8     Letter to Editor 3/29                                                       Essays/Projects

Assignment 9     Speech Analysis 3/29                                                      Essays/Projects

Assignment 10  (4) Multiple Choice Selections (February Break HW)        Essays/Projects

Assignment 11  Patterns of Development-Definition 1/28                             Timed Writings

Assignment 12  Patterns of Development-Narration 2/4                                 Timed Writings

Assignment 13  Patterns of Development-Cause and Effect 2/11                    Timed Writings

Assignment 14  Patterns of Development-Argument.Persuasion(Feb Break)       Timed Writings

Assignment 15  Patterns of Development-Description 2/25                                    Timed Writings

Assignment 16  Patterns of Development-Process Analysis 3/4                    Timed Writings

Assignment 17  Patterns of Development-Comparison.Contrast 3/11        Timed Writings

Assignment 18  Patterns of Development-Division/Classification 3/18       Timed Writings

Assignment 19  Patterns of Development-Exemplification 3/25                  Timed Writings

Assignment 20  Patterns of Development-Mixed 3/29                                   Timed Writings