Assignments Due March 1
Class Notes for the first five weeks of the third quarter which include:
Journals for the first five weeks of the third quarter
Synthesis timed writing on Space Exploration
Documentary Analysis
Timed writing Definition done in class on 1/28
Timed writing-Narration done in class on 2/4
Timed writing-Cause and Effect done in class on 2/11
Timed writing-Argument done in class over February break
(4) Multiple Choice Selections from February break
Timed writing-Description done in class on 2/27
- Mock test MC
- Response to Senior piece on High School
- Critically reading worksheet -Obama
- Bentham MC with rationales
- Sedaris questions on rhetoric 1-5
- Ellison MC
- Buckley question #2
- Hogan MC
Journals for the first five weeks of the third quarter
Synthesis timed writing on Space Exploration
Documentary Analysis
Timed writing Definition done in class on 1/28
Timed writing-Narration done in class on 2/4
Timed writing-Cause and Effect done in class on 2/11
Timed writing-Argument done in class over February break
(4) Multiple Choice Selections from February break
Timed writing-Description done in class on 2/27
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