Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

OCT 31st 3:00PM is the deadline for all First Quarter Work.

Class notes include:
#1  Evidence
#2 Annotation of Death of the Moth Dillard
#3 Death of Moth Multiple Choice
#4  Period 2--Batting Clean up TONE
      Period 4--Peer Review of TONE essays
#5 1-5 Multiple Choice on Buckley
#6 Multiple choice on Buckley con't and #1-10 on Rhetoric And Style
#7 Syntax Sheet

Journals should be emailed in one document with a filename which includes at least your last name.

Other items which may still need to be handed in would include:
Partner Annotation of Ebola Editorials
Major Essay Revision

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Tone Essay DUE 10/16 by 2:30pm


Write an 800-1000 word essay which compares the tone of “The Death of a Moth” by Virginia Woolf with the piece of the same name by Annie Dillard. What is the effect of the tone on the reader? How is the tone created? Topics to be considered are:  Diction, Imagery, Details, Figurative Language, and Syntax.  Identifying, evaluating, and analyzing the connections between these parts and the overall tone is paramount.


The essay should be double-spaced and submitted by email to

Please have your name as part of the file name (For example, BillThompsonTone.doc).

Important dates:

Lab time                      Thursday         10/9   Class time for drafting

Lab time                      Wednesday     10/15  Class time

Lab time /Essay Due   Thursday         10/16   (by email by 2:30 PM)