Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Topic Sentence Examples

Here are two examples of excellent topic sentences. They are both clear, concise and strongly state the intentions of the paragraph.
While they appear below with minor edits, both were written by Christina Emerson in her cause and effect essay.

1. Some causes of global warming are three gases, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, emitted into our atmosphere from power stations, buildings, and various types of vehicles.

2. Some of the effects of global warming are rising temperatures, rising sea levels, and lack of water.

Now, I realize the language seems plain or simple. But that is the beauty of them. They clearly say what they mean, no more and no less.

This kind of strong topic sentence should be at the beginning of your body paragraphs. This not only helps your reader to see what the paragraph will cover but also help you as a writer stay focused on your topic.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Cause and effect essay

A 600-800 word cause and effect essay on a topic of your choice, which features:

1.Sentence variety by having at least five compound sentences and five complex sentences(see previous post for examples of compound and complex sentences).
2.Specific details with prove a strong, consistent connection between the causes and effects.
3.Follows a consistent organizational format.

The first draft of this essay will be due on Tuesday 12/12 by the end of school.

Sample outline for "The rise in fast food comsumption."

Introduction- Introduce topic, list briefly causes and effects.
Causes- Conveinence, two working parents, advertising.
Effects-Rise is obesity, misc. other health concerns, increased food costs, limited family time.
Conclusion-Restate topic and possibly offer brief overview of solutions.

See for even more helpful outlines and information.