Cause and effect essay
A 600-800 word cause and effect essay on a topic of your choice, which features:
1.Sentence variety by having at least five compound sentences and five complex sentences(see previous post for examples of compound and complex sentences).
2.Specific details with prove a strong, consistent connection between the causes and effects.
3.Follows a consistent organizational format.
The first draft of this essay will be due on Tuesday 12/12 by the end of school.
Sample outline for "The rise in fast food comsumption."Introduction- Introduce topic, list briefly causes and effects.
Causes- Conveinence, two working parents, advertising.
Effects-Rise is obesity, misc. other health concerns, increased food costs, limited family time.
Conclusion-Restate topic and possibly offer brief overview of solutions.
See for even more helpful outlines and information.
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