Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Later Is NOW!

The quarter closes on 11/2 at 2:30. 
I will not be accepting work after this time unless grave and serious circumstances warrant an extension by the administration.

What is left on the syllabus for the term?

Thursday 10/25- LAB 28 (Handout Marquart excerpt- Have this annotated for class on the Tuesday the 30th)

Friday 10/26 - No class
Monday 10/29-Review of Qtr 1- Where have we been? Where are we going?
Tuesday 10/30-Last Timed Writing Marquart
Wednesday 10/31- Review of Marquart TW
Thursday  11/1 LAB 28

Friday      11/2 LAB 28

DUE BY 11/2
(3) Timed Writing Revisions
Reading Journal Second Five weeks
Class notes Second Five weeks, which should include:
10/1 Appositive handout
10/3 Syntax analysis sheet
10/9 100 words on diction of Salvador
10/11 Coherence, Clarity, Unity
10/15 Revision Feedback two paragraphs
10/22 Group of Mary Ann Shaddy excerpt Annotation
10/23 Barry Handout

Monday, October 01, 2012

Arrangement Essay Due Tuesday 10/9 (by 2:30 PM)

 Arrangement Essay


Write an 800-1000 word essay which discusses the arrangement of Gladwell’s piece “Late Bloomers”. What is the effect of the arrangement on the reader? Topics to be considered are: Purpose, Sectioning, Paragraphing, Classical Arrangement, and Patterns of Development. The most important question to ask about arrangement is: What comes before or after what and why? In other words, identifying, evaluating, and analyzing the connections between the sections and paragraphs.

The essay should be double-spaced and submitted by email to
Please have your name as part of the file name (For example, BillThompsonArrangement.doc).

Important dates:

Class time Tuesday 10/2 Class discussion of Arrangement, Purpose, and Patterns.

Lab time  Thursday 10/4  AND Friday 10/5

Essay Due Tuesday 10/9 (by 2:30 PM)

*All late papers are penalized one full grade for every school day the essay is late.