Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay
Mr. Garland 07-08’
Eleventh Grade College Prep

Write a 600-800 word narrative essay, which features:

Figurative language, specifically metaphor, simile, and imagery.
Remember to show not tell.
A plot, featuring an introduction, rising action, climax, and resolution.
A theme. Remember this should not be a moral and should be universal.

The first draft of this essay will be due on Thursday September 13th by 2:15.
Tuesday the 11th and Wednesday the 12th will be full work periods for this essay. I will conference will each students during these work days. Thursday we will be in the computer lab, where students can type up their first draft.

Essays must be typed or written in black ink.
Essays must be double-spaced.
Only hard copies will be accepted. No files on disc.

The following rubric will be used to grade the essays.

1---5 or more spelling errors.
2---3-4 spelling errors
3---1-2 spelling errors
4---No spelling errors

1---No sense of theme and little to no use of figurative language.
2---Little sense of theme and some use of figurative language
3---Some sense of theme and adequate use of figurative language
4---A strong sense of theme and excellent use of figurative language.

1---No plot.
2---A poorly crafted plot, with little to no climax and little to no sense of resolution.
3---An adequate plot, with a climax and some sense of resolution.
4---A well thought out plot, with an engaging climax and sense of resolution.
Letter Grade Number Grade Rubric Points
A 95 12,11
B 85 10,9
C 75 8,7
D 65 6,5
F 55 4,3